Final Response

If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?


  1. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    I think it would impact the school by instilling a sense of pride and ownership in the school. I also feel it would create a more positive environment and increase self-confidence in our students which in turn would reduce behavioral issues.

    1. I agree. The students will gain a sense of pride and ownership.

  2. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    There are a lot of "ifs" in that implementation. I would like to know how it was going to be implemented before I answer that question.If done properly, it has the potential to be school -- even community -- changing. Not even would it reduce if not nullify our behavior issues, it would also instill a sense of pride in our students and our school. That alone would make it worth it. But -- my biggest fear -- and I'm being very open in saying this -- is that it will be dumped in our laps for us to "figure out". THAT WON'T WORK. We need some structure and direction to make this work. I'm very excited about trying though.

    1. I understand what Ms. Sims is saying. Too often we have started something and never truly seen it all the way through. Nothing will be successful until we do.

    2. I agree. If we don't stick to the game plan, it will never have success.

  3. With our school and community climate, I feel like this could be a truly successful program. Like Sims said tho, we cannot start it and then not complete it.bwe HAVE to be 100% in as teachers, then it will trickle down to the students, and then the parents. I do think it will take time because we do not have a lot of parent support right now but I do believe it can work. We have to commit to it and stick to it.

  4. I agree. And I admit, we have started things before and not followed through.

  5. If implemented, do I feel like this would be successful at our school?
    I do. We have got to all be on board and this has to be a K4-12 step in step process. We cannot drop the ball if we want it to work. But I truly feel like this could definitely be a success for us.

  6. If implemented, how would the 7 habits impact the culture of Highland Home School?
    I think it would definitely help our students become much more successful when they leave this school- they will be so much better prepared for real life. I believe it would increase our parent participation because they would see what an impact the program has been on their child.

  7. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader in Me program impact the culture of Highland Home School?
    I believe it would help prepare the students for the real world- outside of the school setting. I think it will give them the necessary tools to succeed when they leave us. Often times, students leave and then feel lost. I truly believe this program can help them learn what they need. I also feel like not every student wants to go to college and this program will also help them be successful in the job force if that is the route they choose.
    I think it would be very beneficial for the parents of our students. Many of them did not have this opportunity when they were in school, and I think if the students carry on this program at home and work then the parents will naturally pick up on the steps and this may help them in the process.

  8. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    I believe implementing this program will prepare our students for the future. The students will learn the necessary tools to prepare them for the real world. I think this program will allow all students to feel success, and apply want they learned in college and the workforce.

  9. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    I do believe that the program can work if implemented. I think that could be said for almost any program that instills confidence and independence. I believe these our things most of us do anyway. At the end of the day, if we are doing our job to the best of our ability,showing students that we care, and holding them accountable, then we our hopefully instilling tools for success in life.

    1. Yes. There are so many programs that instill confidence and independence. I'm not sure what happened in education to require us to have a program just to teach life skills, but we are there. So many extra things have been added and essentials to life have been pushed to the wayside.

  10. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    'If' is a HUGE word; however, I believe it can impact the culture of HHS in a positive way. I believe we could see students taking more ownership of their school work. I believe we will see more pride in our school and our students. We will see a drive of personal motivation in our faculty and students. We will see students and teachers having professional relationships build on trust and care. I believe we will see a change 'if' everyone is completely on board.

    1. I agree and the students will be able to see if we as teachers really believe in it. They will know if we are sincere.

  11. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    If the teachers buy in to the program and it begins to trickle down to the students, they will take more personal responsibility for their own successes and failures. This change would affect the students in a huge way, as many tend to place "blame" on anyone or anything besides themselves.

    1. We as teachers need to buy into the program and set the example for students to realize what a difference a program like this can make.

  12. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    To start with, we as teachers need to buy into the program and set the example for students to realize what a difference a program like this can make. The main issue will be getting the students on board, once this happens there should be a major difference and show students that making themselves accountable for their actions. This in turn will create more professional interaction between students and teachers. Of course with all programs there will those that want to resist the change making it difficult unless their peers show them otherwise how it can be beneficial to them.

    1. I especially agree that professional interaction between students and teachers (and even parents once they are more involved in the process) will be a great benefit to all involved. That alone will help our students be more successful after graduation.

    2. I agree, getting the students on board is going to be a challenge, but I think getting all teachers on board will the strength. It is not going to happen over night, or a school year. It will most likely take much longer, but every month, year, and decade, the changes will be so beneficial to this school and community.It is so compelling to think about.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School? Positively! The intent is to teach student 21st century leadership and life skills: leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability, communication, initiative and self-direction, creativity cross-cultural skills, and teamwork. In doing so, the adults supporting students in the home and at school are "taught" the same. Skills are supported and expanded through continual refinement by all involved.

  15. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader in Me Program impact the culture of HHS?

    I think that our school and faculty would benefit from this program if we are consistent and follow through with all aspects of it. It will lead to self confidence and improved behavior. It will discourage inappropriate behavior. It will help set a positive environment, but we must lead by example.

  16. If implemented, how can The Leader in Me program impact the culture of Highland Home School?
    I know it is going to be hard at first just because everyone- students, teachers, parents, etc... get set in certain ways and traditions and change is never easy. And we as adults are most often the most difficult students. But I do think the program can be successful at HHS and I do believe the students would embrace it. I really like the idea of implementing it from the time they begin school but of course at their age level. I also like the idea of the electives in the higher grades. This is a program that can be very beneficial for us.

  17. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?
    If implemented I think it would impact our enviorment.I think it would take a lot of hard work and motivation to implement. We have to stick to it and work together and work along side our Parents and help motivate more participation. I think it would have a very postive effect and student confidence and respondability would increase. There would be more creativity and teamwork from all sides. I believe this would benefit us. We just need to be ready to embrace it.

  18. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    Wow! Can we afford not to implement it? Things around us are falling apart. The world is very scary. I fear for the young people that are being born and raised in today;s time. The culture of HHS would be impacted greatly. The worth of the potential of the students would expand into the community and the homes. Parents would be inspired. Teachers and school leaders would be respected, and social media would explode with such positive thoughts! It gives me chills to think about how wonderful it would be.

  19. If implemented school-wide, how can The Leader In Me Program impact the culture of Highland Home School?

    I think if implemented it would have a positive effect on our school. However, we will need to work hard and be sure we stick with it.
