Chapter 9

Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Chapter 9: Choose one of the following questions.

Key content and the spirit of the book are takeaways from this chapter.  Four key phrases as well as the overarching concepts from the previous chapters, are presented and offer a good place to begin the discussion of where you are, where you would like to be and the best path to get there. 

  1. The first phrase Dr. Covey wants us to remember is “modern-day miracle worker.”  What might change in the way you interact with children if the paradigm you had of yourself was that of a modern-day miracle worker? 
  2. What examples of being a modern-day miracle workers are given of Muriel, the teachers at A.B. Combs, and the other educators in the book?
  3. What are we currently doing that shows a“Tradition of Caring” at our school?  
  4. What could we do to encourage this tradition? 
  5. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way? 
  6. In fact, several times teachers comment that the leadership focus actually saves them time.  Do you think they felt that way in the beginning?  What do you think happened that moved them to that comment? 
  7. Do you feel that the “universal nature” of the 7 Habits would apply to our school community-students, staff, and parents?  Why? 
  8. Embedded in the four phrases are keys to success of the leadership theme. Discuss whether you agree with the statement, and , if so, how you would go about accomplishing it.
    • Individual teachers unleashing the potential of students all over the world, one child at a time.
    • A school wide effort with all stakeholders engaged and contributing.
    • Emphasis on focusing on what is most important to teaching.
    • Emphasis on teaching tmeless principles and skills that are relevant to today’s global reality and preparatory for what tomorrow will bring.


  1. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    I think teachers feel like or say "Not One More Thing" because there is already so much heaped on our plates, it is nearly impossible to keep up -- in fact, we must often choose what is most important and focus on that, letting some things just slide. The last thing educators want to hear is that in order to improve things we must run twice as fast as we already are -- especially when the pace is already set faster than we can go. It isn't a lack of want to, it's simply ability...we are maxed out. Many of us are burned out, and have lost vision of why we entered the field of education. "One more thing" might be the last thing, and do us in.

    1. "twice as fast as we already are -- especially when the pace is already set faster than we can go"

      Best statement ever.

    2. It is interesting that all three of us chose the same topic to reflect upon. Teachers do feel like they do not have any more time to devote to “one more thing” and rightly so. If your staff chooses to implement “The Leader in Me”, I hope it will be a positive experience and that the results will make it well worth the time and effort invested.

    3. Because we ARE overwhelmed. We are given too many things and not enough time or support to do them successfully before being given something else.

    4. Yes! Yes! Yes! It is not that we do not want to do what we are told or asked to do, but it is because we are given more and more without letting us accomplish one thing first. It IS too much.

    5. Amen!!!!! Love what Leigh Ann Brown said about the statement.

      I know I feel "done in" every day when I get home. It has changed since I started teaching 21 years ago. I feel so much more overwhelmed with things that are not really making a difference in the learning, but increasing the stack of facts that really do not do anything to help the learning.

  2. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    Many times different administrators or program directors bring with them a "new" program that does not produce many results except to add one more thing on the already heavy load that teachers have to bear.

    The teachers in the 7 Habits schools do not see The Leader in Me as a program that makes their life harder. It isn't perceived as "one more thing" they have to do besides teach. The teachers that teach in the 7 Habits schools want other teachers to know that it is worth it to give this program a chance because it is more than "just one more thing"

    1. I disagree. I think it completely has the capacity to be "one more thing" -- especially because it is so school-wide. I think it therefore requires a little more structure, at least in the beginning.

    2. I can see your point Ms. Sims. I think we have seen this happen before so it makes us more hesitant to once again try something new.

    3. I'm not sure how everybody felt about being asked to read this book, but i bet some felt the immediate "not one more thing."

    4. Definitely Josh. I know our lives are hectic enough that many of us thought that. But I hope that we took the time to read it as it does have some good points in the book.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    Trends in education come and go on a regular basis. Change is not a bad thing but it requires work that most likely ends up in the lap of the classroom teacher. If these changes don’t work out, it leaves us feeling frustrated and skeptical of new ideas. Hopefully, if the teachers and staff at HHS choose to implement the practices of “The Leader in Me”, it will be a positive experience which will help ease some of the problems we see in classrooms today rather than feel like “one more thing”. According to the examples in the book, success is a likely scenario.

    1. You are so right. Trends do come and go. Change is not a bad thing. The workload does fall into the laps of those who are already the most overworked and time strapped. I think these realities require decision makers to spend more time upfront thinking through the need for implementing any "new" idea to ensure it doesn't become just "one more thing".

  5. I agree. We are always willing to do whatever we can to better our students. However, we are constantly being given crowded classrooms, more paperwork, more meetings,etc. But no support,enough materials,etc
    Bridget Worthington

  6. What could we do to encourage a Tradition of Caring at our school?
    I believe we somewhat have this already. Being a K4-12 school we are able to watch our studnets from beginning to end. But I definitely believe we could encourage this more school wide and have ALL of our students know we care. First, don't stop once they leave our classroom. Become a mentor for that student throughout their school career. Follow them year to year and keep in touch. Talk to them, help with homework, etc If every student had a teacher they knew was keeping up with them every year academically, sports, everything they do, they would see we care about them every step of the way.

    1. I agree. I check on my students to see how they are doing in the upper grades. There are a few students at Highland that I taught in 6th grade in Greenville. I have checked on them, gone to some of their games, and let them know that I am there if they need anything. Some of them come by to say hello, or to talk. They love knowing someone cares.

    2. A little attention can go a long way with a student that isn't getting enough attention at home. It lets them know you care and that they are on your mind.

    3. I totally agree! It means a lot to a child to know they have someone in their corner.

  7. Do I think the tradition of 7 habits would do well with our school, community, parents?
    I do. I think HHS is a perfect place and community to try this. Our students are with us from preschool until graduation and this is a perfect setting to incorporate this and maintain it throughout their school years.
    I also think it would help if the students are successful to take it home and share with their parents.

  8. Several teachers comment that the leadership focus actually saves them time. Do you think they felt this way in the beginning?
    They probably did not feel this way at the beginning. I feel like they may have been more like we feel at times- overwhelmed but willing to try. I am sure they went through some growing pains as they went through the 7 habits. But I can definitely see how it could be a time saver in the long run. By turning more responsibility over to the student, it does or will lessen some of that burden off of the teacher.

  9. Do you think the overall nature of the 7 habits would fit our school, community, parents?????
    I really do. Of course like with every program, you will have to make tweaks here and there to fit your particular school, but I really do think Highland Home would be a great choice for the 7 habits. Many of our students come from homes that are not well establishes or secure. If we can teach them the 7 habits at school, and teach them to take ownership, then hopefully they can carry this process through at home as well.

    1. You are right, as with most new programs that are incorporated there is a time when adjustments have to be made for it to work in that situation. With Highland Home having most students from the time they start school till graduation provides the best chance to instill the 7 habits into their daily routine and provide the chance for them to excel not only in school but in life.

  10. Do you think the overall nature of the 7 habits would fit our school, community, parents?????

    I think that the 7 habits does fit with our school, community and parents. With the fact we have a smaller school and the students for the most part go here from K – 12 provides us the perfect opportunity to instill these habits to our students. Giving them responsibilities and to take ownership of actions might provide them the ability to excel in school and to transition this into their home life. Moving the process from school to home will allow them to share with parents which in turn might provide the spark for parents to be more involved with the student and school. Only time will tell.

  11. Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?
    Teachers are often faced with so many things to accomplish in their day. They are expected to cover the standards, all the while trying to comfort hurting children, dealing with difficult behavior issues, attending "data" meetings, grading papers in a timely manner, keeping a positive attitude, and for the most part, being SuperMan/SuperWoman. One more thing added to their plate would most certainly drive them into a feeling of failure at times because they are only human and do not have super powers. This program seems to help lighten the load of a teacher because the children and school take on a new attitude of commitment and dedication.The teachers do not seem to feel that they are alone.

  12. Do you think the overall nature of the 7 habits would fit our school, community, parents?????

    I do think the overall nature of the 7 habits would fit in at Highland. I think all stakeholders would buy into this program, because Highland is already implementing some of these habits already. Highland wants their students/school to be very successful.

  13. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    I think, at times, we feel like we are trying to reinvent the wheel on top of everything we do. There is always a new strategy. Sometimes it seems like "why bother, there will be an even better strategy next year." While this is going on, we are asked to take on more projects and attend meetings. It can be a bit overwhelming.

  14. Chapter 9: Not one more thing is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?
    When it is time to improve things we sometimes fear we must work twice as hard then we already are. Many are already running low on strength. Many have forgotten why they are in education. Improvements become one more thing that needs to be done. I feel like when something new is requested of an educator it becomes “one more thing” on their mind and plate to accomplish. There is always something, new always to be done. There are guidelines, grades, activities, behaviors, to address and so many new ways of doing it and not being able to do it. Now they are faced with Appling the seven habits and judge it before even experiencing or understanding it fully. Having learned about the habits and applying them they find things have become not easier but better quality.

    1. I like that you mention better quality. Even though we have 'one more thing' to complete, if we see a positive result, we will be more apt to give it our all.

  15. What are we currently doing that shows a“Tradition of Caring” at our school?

    Compared to my previous experiences, I see a huge display of caring here at Highland Home. With Highland Home being a small school in a small community, in my opinion, caring comes easy. Everyone knows everybody and has forever. Highland Home feels like one big family and I'm thankful to be a new member. =) Teachers truly look out for students and our administration looks out for us. I feel like we have each other's back no matter the situation. We support each other in many different ways, from help in creating and executing a lesson to extracurricular activities. We are a family and want to see each other (admin, teachers, staff, students, and parents) succeed. Highland Home definitely has quite a few traditions and caring is one of them.

  16. "Not one more thing" is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    I think teachers feel overwhelmed with the day to day routine. Sometimes new things are introduced and for what ever reason the program or idea falls by the wayside. This can be frustrating and seem like wasted time and energy. I think we have to be careful and see things through to the end. At the same time, teachers need to be given the adequate amount of time to plan and incorporate these new ideas.

  17. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    The implementation of a "big idea" is only as good as the pre-planning and depth of knowledge of the one who wants to pursue it. Likewise, effectiveness of the "big idea" is only as good as the follow through by those charged with implementing it. The implementers are most often our teachers. Too often in education there are those who have the "big ideas" or jump on very bandwagon that comes along without knowing all that needs to be known, spending the time needed to plan - beginning to end, or truly listening to those who will be charged with implementation. Details and day-to-day implementation are more important than any "big idea" every will be, but often times the details and planning are what gets the least amount of attention. Therefore, the implementers get frustrated and the "big idea" fails; it become "one more thing".

  18. Do you feel the "universal nature" of the 7 habits would apply to our school community-students, staff, and parents? Why?
    This is a tough one. I do believe it can be a success like A.B.Combs. I feel like our school has the potential to be one of great success and a new tradition in implementing the 7 habits. But I do know that our community and parent support is not very high and it will definitely be a hard sell at first. It is going to take our students and staff coming together and making it work in order for parents and the community to see what it is all about and want to also be a part of it as well.

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  20. Do I think the tradition of 7 habits would do well within our school, community, parents?

    I think it would do well with time! I think the elementary children and some of their parents would be more accepting of it than middle and high school. Once the younger children are on board then I believe that eventually it will successfully move on to the others. I think it will take the younger children to get the parents on board which will then get the community and older students on board with it.

  21. What are we currently doing that shows a“Tradition of Caring” at our school?

    Well, there are several things we are doing at HHS. One, we have new administrators that are all working hard to encourage positive change and accountability. Our cafeteria staff is such an asset to our school, in that they can reach our students in a way we, as teachers, can't. We have the parent night meetings that help show parents that we want their involvement, as well as PTA. The businesses around our school are asked to be involved with our students. The bank employees come to read, and give awards and money to readers. As always, there are more things that can be done, but that is true with most all places. We just have to try to keep moving forward and establish the lasting ties that will continue to allow the school, students, parents, and community to grow.

  22. What could we do to encourage this tradition?
    I feel like as teachers, we are empowered or we wouldn't have chosen education as a career. It is our job to empower our students for the betterment of our society.

  23. “Not one more thing” is a phrase echoed by the teachers in leadership schools. Why do you think they feel that way?

    Teachers are often the ones that are overloaded when change comes. This program helps to change that. Everyone takes on a new role and helps to alleviate some of the stress teachers often feel.
