Chapter 7

Moving Upward and Beyond

Chapter 7: Choose one of the following questions.

In this chapter, Dr. Covey sites examples of middle schools, high schools, and districts that have taken on a leadership focus using the 7 Habits.

  1. At Joliet High School, Tony Cantos was ready to abandon his career in education. From what you have read so far, how do you think the 7 Habits “reignited” his passion for education?
  2. Noble Street High School takes on social issues and asks students to apply the 7 Habits. How might this real-life application impact a class discussion?
  3. What are some of the creative ways middle and high schools cited in the book have brought the 7 Habits to their staff and students?
  4. How long do you think it will be before the impact of the “Path of Dreams” program in Guatemala will begin to change the culture of the country?
  5. In your opinion, how would the 7 Habits affect our test scores as they did Japan?
  6. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
  7. What might be the students’ reaction when they realize that a particular class, focused on the 7 Habits, is about them-and their life?
  8. In a middle or high school, where is the best placement for the 7 Habits content?
  9. Do you think parenting middle or high school students who know the 7 Habits content would be less stressful? Why?


  1. In a middle or high school, where is the best placement for the 7 Habits content?

    I personally believe that the best placement for the 7 Habits content in middle AND high school is in a combination of areas and in a variety of ways. Foremost, I think the 7 Habits should be taught in its own course -- such as a Leadership 101 or Orientation class -- that is a required "elective" of all incoming students. Next, I think it would be useful for there to be a refresher, perhaps just a unit in an English or History (or hmmm, Academic Block?) class at the beginning of every school year. Also, I like the idea of several teachers or staff members (counselors, principals, librarians) being responsible for sending a weekly email on a habit that is a focus for that time period. Finally, integration and application can happen on a daily basis in every classroom simply by changing the language (and perhaps the atmosphere), and making opportunities available for student to "practice what they preach" or show off their talents. In addition, I wonder if it will be difficult to find enough avenues for students to apply the 7 Habits, as I think APPLICATION will be more useful and sought after at a point than integration, particularly at this level.

    1. I like the idea of a required elective plus opportunities for application

    2. I did too! I think it would be a great elective for the high school students to have and be more meaningful.

    3. I think application by students is key. Yes, a course could teach the students "how" to apply what they learn, so they could model these skills on a daily basis.

    4. YES! I like the idea of the seven habits becoming an elective!

    5. I think having the 7 habits as an elective would be an awesome opportunity.

    6. I love the idea of having the seven habits becoming an elective.

    7. I think these are very good ideas and worth looking into.

  2. Do you think parenting middle or high school students who know the 7 Habits content would be less stressful? Why?

    I think it definitely would be less stressful. When high school students learn the 7 Habits and practice them in their lives, then parenting almost has to be easier. Teens who begin with the end in mind, set priorities, listen to others, work with others, and take care of themselves are teens who follow rules and take responsibility for their actions. These teens will be easier to parent because they will not necessarily need "managing" but rather just "leading."

    1. I agree that it would be less stressful and that teens who live by these habits do not "need managing but rather just leading." Great point!

    2. Great point! Kids that know the 7 habits are going to want to make good choices.

  3. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
    It is my opinion that the biggest advantage
    of a school staff working together is that it reinforces the culture of the school and helps promote a common goal.

    1. I agree that constant reinforcement will keep everybody involved with the common goal.

    2. Exactly. If the students see us working together then they are more apt to work together as well.

  4. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    When school staff is working as a team, we are all working for a common goal. A lot of times, it is easy to think only about me and what I need to get done. Our lives becoming less stressful when we work together and help each other for the common good.

    1. Absolutely, Amy! We do get caught up in our own lives and a lot of times, we bring our outside lives to school with us just as the students. I think if we are all working together, we will pick each other up and help with all aspects of life. We will be the true definition of a team. Whether there are differences or not, we would all be working towards a common goal.

    2. It definitely helps having others to talk to, share ideas, pros/cons, etc.


  5. Creative Change in Middle and High School

    •Some schools launched a fun assembly when the habits are introduced or re-introduced.

    •Advisory Teachers meet with students and talk about challenges teens are facing and read an excerpt from the 7 habits for teen books that may relate.

    •Allowing students to teach to their peers.

    •Teachers at one school got to participate in a retreat that provides opportunities for them to work together and develop a new school mission.

    •Schools were sponsored for the habits to be brought in by businesses that have integrated in the habits themselves.

    •Entire communities have taken on the responsibilities and are working together. “It takes two to raise a village.”

  6. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    When the entire staff works as a team, there is less room for inconsistencies. The children know what to expect all throughout the day and there is no confusion. Working together as a team also makes for a less stressful work environment.

    1. It also leaves no room for students or parents to point fingers or make accusations about unfair treatment. The same thing is expected of the students from all teachers and staff. It is also easier knowing that your fellow teachers are supportive and are there to back you up or help you when needed.

    2. I really like your point that it cuts out inconsistencies. I feel like we can get caught up in the inconsistencies and the pointing fingers. When we are all of the same team - the inconsistencies are lessened - the communication increases - and the blame is shared.

    3. I is less room for inconsistencies. We see that a lot because everyone is not on the same page about what is going on. When we work together everyone is in the "know" about what is what.

  7. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team instead of in isolation?
    I mean come on- TEAMWORK says it all. How can we expect students to work together, get along, etc. if we do not model this ourselves. As a K4-12 schools especially, it is easy to differentiate within our grade levels; I admit I am not comfortable with the older grades. But I am more than willing to work together if it means better things for our school and students.

  8. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    The advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation are numerous. Too often, staff fails to communicate which results in misunderstanding and failure as a whole. I feel honored to work in a place where cooperation is evident daily. We all work together in a positive way so we are able to succeed in many things that improve our school. Our children feel safe and cared for because of the staff and how well they work together.

    1. I agree, when communication breaks down things get misunderstood by everyone. This causes animosity between people and in our environment that is not a good thing. With having a team that works together and communicates it provides an environment where everyone is involved and focused on completing common goals within the school and with students. It is the only way to succeed together.

  9. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    By working together it allows teachers to better communicate on the progress of
    students and to notify others when there have been issues. With communication comes the ability to focus on a common goal not only with students in mind but also with assisting those teachers that might need help with projects. When everyone is working together to accomplish a specific goal it benefits everyone in the long run.

  10. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    Speaking from a coach's perspective, when an entire staff is on the same page great things can be achieved. When a coaching staff is divided and there is no cohesion, goals are rarely obtained. I believe the same can be said for a school system.

  11. In middle or high school, where is the best placement for the 7 habits content?

    I believe we shouldn't limit it just to middle and high school grades. It should be taught as a subject just like reading, math, or science. Then, it could be reinforced in all subject areas. I realize time and scheduling would be an issue, but I think it would be well worth it in the end.

    1. Character education is supposed to be infused in all we do, so I agree that the content can and should be incorporated across the board. I also agree that as the foundation is being laid, that some sort of standalone instruction will benefit the development of the incorporation.

  12. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
    There are so many advantages to school staff working as a team that I find it almost difficult to determine where to begin. As a team, the school unites for the common cause of progressing students towards independence, academic awareness, and ultimately for life as adults. As a team, we model those characteristics, teach those skills that students will need, and help them succeed academically as well. If all are not on board for the greater good, it makes for a difficult journey. All staff needs to work together, not create difficulty, for the benefit of the students and the school atmosphere. The positive outlook will inevitably spill over into the community.

    1. I agree! We all have to work together to achieve that is best for the school.

  13. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    A school staff working together is similar to a sport's team working together. If everyone on the field is running a different play, there is little room for success. There must be consistency and a common goal among the players. A school staff is no different. We must work together. There will be consistency between us from the students point of view. The students know which teachers are consistent with which rules. They know how to play the game. If we work together more and are consistent across the board, I feel like there will definitely be less discipline issues. The outcome would be wonderful!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    "We" is better than "me". We all have unique skills, talents, and knowledge that can benefit the larger group if given the opportunity to share. True collaboration depends on a willingness to listen with an intent to understand and consider others' ideas. "Fake" collaboration (which I guess could be a close kin to "fake" news which seems to be the latest buzz word) is listening, smiling, and nodding with no intention of incorporating others' ideas. Gathering input from all stakeholders, not just hand-picked, like-minded stakeholders, reaps dynamic rewards. It is important to look, listen, and learn while working toward common goals. If we don't, then we miss out on a lot of valuable input that can lead the team to greater success.

  16. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
    Working as a team rather in isolation can be difficult for some. It requires them to go outside of their bubble, and extend themselves. Reaching outside of their bubble can be beneficial for all involved, though.
    In implementing the 7 habits, the team becomes bigger than the teacher, bigger than the grade level, bigger than the elementary school teachers. The team becomes all stakeholders, the teachers, faculty, staff, parents, students, community. By reaching out and involving all - the investment becomes bigger and reaches deeper to the heart. The team is invested in the end (begin with the end in mind) and working together towards the same goal. When we are all working towards the same goal/same mission with the same vision, we have a higher probability of success. The students will see the full buy-in of the team, that they are part of the team, and will desire to work whole-heartedly towards the goal.

  17. What are some of the creative ways middle and high schools teachers have brought the 7 habits to their students?
    Bringing in business leaders from within the community; having individual contributors; foundations, and community volunteers.

  18. Do you think parenting middle or high school students who have been through the 7 habits would be less stressful?
    Although I do not have children of this age yet, just based on what I have read so far, I do believe it would be less stressful. If they have taken some ownership, and are keeping up with their progress,
    etc. in school, then that is less that we have to stress about and we can focus on the child themselves. This is such a hard age for kids anyway, but I do believe the 7 habits would ease some of this for them.

  19. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    The biggest advantage of working as a team is having a sense of community. If you work in isolation, you will only have your knowledge of what works and what doesn't. If you are working as a team, you will be able to pass along knowledge to others and be able to accept their help with problems that might arise. "Together Everyone Achieves More" - TEAM.

  20. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team instead of in isolation?
    Although we sometimes like working on our own, when taking on a large project such as the 7 habits, working as a team is almost a must! But I definitely think it would be a tremendous success! Working alone on such a big project would be very overwhelming and would probably lead to one stopping and not finishing the process. However, working as a team, we could each take parts of the program and then blend the ideas together. You have someone you can share ideas, successes, fears, etc... with.

  21. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
    The advantages of a school staff working as a team than is isolation is being able to communicate well with others. The school feeling like a "family" or "community". Working as a team builds success and making connections with others. Working as a team allows others to share ideas, help one another, coming up with strategies, and allowing our students see how we can work together and get along.

    1. I totally agree. Team work has no "I" in it.

  22. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?
    The evidence shows pretty much in every area that working together far outweighs working alone. When you work as a team, you can bounce ideas off of one another. You can brainstorm and share what works and what doesn't. You lighten the burden of carrying the whole load on your own. When you work alone, there is less opportunity to share in the pride that it took working as a TEAM for YOUR school.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. At Joliet High School, Tony Cantos was ready to abandon his career in education. From what you have read so far, how do you think the 7 Habits “reignited” his passion for education?

    Most teachers feel burnt-out and stressed-out over so many years of working in the area of education. I think that the 7 Habits helped reignite Mr.Cantos passion for teaching because he was also able to apply it to his classroom and life. I feel that Mr.Cantos also so a change in the behavior of his students.

  25. What are the advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation?

    There are many advantages of a school staff working as a team rather than in isolation. Many great minds are better than one when communicating ideas. The ideas presented by one individual opens up the door for many more creative ideas from others. Ideas of what works and doesn't work can be shared. We feel more connected and like a family of educators when we work together to achieve a common goal.

  26. Do you think parenting middle or high school students who know the 7 Habits content would be less stressful? Why?

    I really think that if middle school students knew and followed the 7 habits, the lives of those around them would be so much better. Why......because they would be so much more Really though, this seems to be the age when they hit a point in life where they become more sassy, rebellious, and start to try harder to "fit in". Learning and following the 7 habits would make such an impact on them, that it may be beneficial in the decision making process for them, which in turn, would make life smoother, and less stressful for them.

  27. What might be the students’ reaction when they realize that a particular class, focused on the 7 Habits, is about them-and their life?
    The students' would realize that the 7 habits is about not only helping them through school, but helping them succeed in their future. The 7 habits will help them have their own independent will in achieving their goals in school and in life. It will also show them how everyone working together in the community helps reach the big goal.

  28. Working as a team combines different talents and skills which is beneficial to the students. Team members learn from each other. They also encourage and inspire each other.They can share personal concerns as well as concerns about students.When the whole staff works as a team and cares about and respects each other, the students will sense it and respect each other more.
