Chapter 4

Aligning For Success


  1. What barriers might we encounter? How will we handle these barriers?

    First off any school undergoing a large change is going to run into barriers. It's inevitable. First and foremost for many the word, "change" is unsettling. A new program means more work. We ask ourselves why we are having to do this and our mind goes into survival mode of: when am I going to have time to do this on top of everything else I am expected to do? I guess I'm saying one of the barriers and maybe the largest and hardest to overcome will be ourselves. Our minds hit a place of survival and we become reactive instead of proactive. We aren't able to see the end, we are stuck in the present. Change cannot occur over night. It will take time and Effort. The only way to overcome ourselves is to keep our goal in mind, be around others who have positive attitudes, be supportive to each other and offer a helping hand. If we do that, we will all make it out on the other side in a better place for ourselves and our students. A second barrier we might face is Failure. Not overall failure but the fear that we might fail or we aren't proceeding in the right way. If I'm tryin to follow the program and teach the habits to my kids and myself and it doesn't go the way I plan, what do I do next. Well, the good news is we are not alone. We have each other to help. We can share ideas, share what worked, what didn't, what each others students enjoyed. Each of us has something valuable to bring to the table. If we collaborate and are proactive and positive, failure is not a valid fear!

    1. I don't think it will be difficult to get us as teachers to "buy in" to such a positive program. I do, however, really like what you said about following the program and things not going your way -- what do you do next? I think this thing is not something we can take lightly. We will need examples of schools where it didn't work the first time, so we can see where they went wrong and avoid those mistakes. So far, I've only seen one example of this in the book. We need more. We need some extensive training and roundtable discussion before we start this program, so we all have an idea of where we need to start and how to make that happen.

    2. I completely agree, Brittany. Change is unsettling and although it is something we as educators are used to, we also perceive it to mean "extra work". You are also correct that this will not be a quick fix but we will reap the rewards if we are able to set our goal and work towards it. I look forward to watching the growth of the first Kindergarten students who will learn the 7 habits and hearing about what the HHS staff has witnessed after a few years of working towards their goal!

    3. I agree, change can be very unsettling. We get "set in our ways" and it keeps us stuck. I think our staff as a whole is very open minded and willing to work together, so I know we can be successful.

    4. I agree. Change is frightening to many people, and many do not want to try something new. I do think our staff is willing to work together and make it happen.

    5. I agree Brittany. I know we teachers are often the worst students especially with change. But I do think if we give 100% the kids will too.

  2. Many change efforts in schools fail. A.B. Combs paused to review four components and it made all the difference. What are the four components? Why would reviewing each of these make a difference?

    Prior to monthly meetings regarding what was going well and what needed improvement, one school developed a Code of Cooperation, similar to our "Code of Conduct." They called it MAGIC, which stood for:
    Model expected behavior
    Accept responsibility
    Give respect
    Improve through goals
    But a student pointed out that what went on was far from magical, instead ALOT of hard work, so he suggested the new accronym; LEAD, which stood for
    Reviewing these things is a good idea because it keeps the teachers, administrators and students from becoming complacent -- because sharing responsibilities is a level of leadership, with the fundamental assumption that all of us is important and had gifts.

    1. I like the distinction between MAGIC and LEAD. I constantly hear people calling other people "lucky" when in actuality those lucky people simply work hard.

    2. Very true Leigh Ann. We have to bridge that gap.

  3. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    If we can create an environment in which everyone takes responsibility for his own actions, discipline issues will certainly decrease. I really liked the example of the young boy who cursed the teacher on the his first day of school. We have all had a student who came to our class seemingly looking for a fight. I loved the teacher's response. Rather than get worked up about the language, she simply mentioned that such language was not used here as they spoke a different language and told him that they were glad he was there. How many times have we seen teachers allow students to push their buttons? Again, I'm sure this has happened to all of us but this teacher held back and simply welcomed him to his new school. I'm sure the student was taken aback by the fact that he did not get the response he expected. I also liked that she mentioned that it took time to get the student to come around and to feel valued and loved and that he had several setbacks. Behavior will not change overnight. It will take much patience on our part but the end result will be worth it!

    1. I agree that a child's behavior cannot be changed overnight. It takes a team working together to help a child realize the effect of their actions and how it affects others around them. It takes a village to raise a child. But we all have to have the same outlook and goal to make a difference no matter what it takes to gain the trust of "that student" and help them take responsibility for their actions and see how it will affect themselves and others in the real world!

    2. It is most certainly difficult to "hold back" when a student is continually pushing our buttons. That I totally agree with. As a teacher, I believe we all have faced it. This will have to be a process. We have many discipline problems that will try us. I would love to see this work. I would love to be that teacher in the future.

  4. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    In a 7 Habits school, student discipline isn't about managing the student, but rather about teaching the student how to manage themselves.

    1. And I believe if we can teach them to take ownership and responsibilities for their actions they will think more about it the next time and choose more wisely.

    2. I agree with Ms. Bridget, if they take ownership of their actions it helps them realize that might be other ways to resolve issues. I have a sign posted in my room that says: 'I'm here for one reason and one reason only, TO TEACH YOU, TO INSPIRE YOU and TO HELP YOU GROW. I'll do my part, the rest is up to you.

      I have gotten more positive responses from students since this sign had gone up. The willingness of students to participate and become an integrated part of the shop has increased. I just provided the motivation.

    3. A simple way to put it, LAB, but I totally agree. I think teaching these skills has been put aside for too long. They are imperative to help create well rounded students that will eventually be productive members of society.

    4. Great response to this!! You are exactly right!! Once in the real world they MUST know how to do this.

  5. Dr. Covey mentions that the end in mind at A.B.Combs is to unleash the potential of each child and staff member. "This has brought artistry to their careers." How do you see this manifesting itself in your teaching?
    I have already seen some positive outcomes just by adjusting what I have done in the past. I find myself more excited to try new ideas and share them with the children. I want to build them up and help them become responsible for every decision they make. In turn, by making them realize THEIR potential, it has helped me see my own potential in setting new goals and accomplishments. My classroom is quickly turning into a positive atmosphere that all my students want to be a part of.

    1. And this is what we all want/need, a POSITIVE atmosphere for our chilren. When students feel like what they are doing makes a difference they will start to put forth more effort.

  6. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    The 7 habits help students find their inner voice. They are filled with purpose rather than anger. They can truly find themselves and help create a postivie environment for others. One particular section talks about a bully who always hung around the special needs studnets. Once a teacher noticed this and turned it into a purpose for him he blossomed. His response was, "When I am with them I don't feel lonely anymore." (pg.81) That is very powerful!

    1. The section about the bully is so true. Many times they act this way because something is missing from their life. I have tried this with classroom bullies over the years. It does work most of the time. They do end up being an advocate for the special needs kids. It does allow them to feel important and needed. If they are lucky enough, true friendships do blossom. It also encourages the rest of the students to give them a chance also.

  7. The first task the school undertook was to make sure every teacher was on board. This was a difficult task as there were some who were resistant. Reluctant staff can sometimes make a positive contribution. Is that possible? Yes, maybe they just need to feel that their voice is heard, and their ideas are considered. If they feel invested, they will take ownership in helping the program or theme be successful. It also teaches everybody to work together and consider other's opinions and ideas. We can all learn something from each other.

    1. Feeling invested does help in taking ownership. As teachers and school personal take ownership of the habits by becoming invested, the habits will spread. Having us all on board may be difficult, but persevering through the struggle of getting teachers on board will benefit the students and the school signifantly - begin with the end in mind.

  8. Students surrounded by others living the 7 habits want to be like them and become a leader. Students choose to talk things out more and really understand themselves. But to want to be a leader they need to be in a good effective environment that will help create those good habits. Leader in Me helps create a proactive culture that focuses on the schools environment, shared leadership responsibilities and leadership events. With this approach students feel worthy, self confident and have more potential. When referring to students as leaders it can be very powerful and change behavioral outcomes. The best way for students to learn how to be good leaders is through modeling.

    1. I completely agree with the statement concerning 'good effective environment'. Students cannot thrive in a bad environment and they surely cannot strive to be a leader when negativity is constantly thrown their way.

    2. In K4 every student has a daily job and looks forward to it. They are a leader in a different role every day.

  9. What barriers might we encounter? How will we handle these barriers?
    I believe the barriers that we may encounter are the fact that sometimes we are all reluctant to change. We get into our set ways and aren't open to accept help or advice on improving our attitudes and teaching styles. I am not sure how we can handle this problem.

    1. I agree! It is so hard to change your ways when you have been doing something for so long. Especially when you feel like you almost have things down to an art. However, we have to keep an open mind about change. The world is constantly changing, and we have to learn to adapt to it.

    2. I agree Ligeia! It is hard to change when you are used to doing something different. It takes time and practice, but even then it is hard to develop a new routine or way of teaching.

    3. Yes, Ligeia! We are relunctant to change because we at HHS have had so much of it. In my ten years here, I've seen too many turnovers in leadership positions. Maybe that's why we're relunctant?

    4. I also agree! Change is always a hard thing to accomplish.

  10. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?
    By placing the word leader after someone's title will make them feel a sense of responsibility and pride. It will also allow them to take ownership of their position and make the necessary decisions that they may encounter daily.

    1. I agree that it gives people a sense of purpose. A great coach once said "On an average team, coaches lead...On a good team, players lead...On a great team, everybody leads."

    2. I agree. Everyone needs to feel that their input is valued. When they do then they have even more pride in the job that they are doing.

    3. I agree that they increased sense of responsibility and pride will produce a better___________.

  11. How has empowering teachers and students changed the administrators' day?

    By empowering the teachers and students it has allowed the administrators to focus on school improvement and positive actions to take. The administrators are allowed to do this because the school is able to police itself. The students hold each other accountable and the teachers are able to teach and interact for new creative ideas and strategies.

  12. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    When you have a school following the 7 Habits traits you are no longer trying to control of conform the student yourself but teaching them different ways that they can control how they react instead. Teachers themselves can demonstrate this ability by how they react to students with the tendency to act out by calmly talking through the situation with the student. Sometimes the a soft voice and calm manner cause the student to realize there are other ways to handle themselves in a proper manner.

  13. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    Making everyone a "leader" will increase responsibilities, help people find their inner voice, and feel like their opinion is valued. Student achievement and teacher's motivation would also increase. With everything increasing and being so positive, it would eventually trickle on down like a waterfall effect.

  14. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?
    This title may give people a sense of accomplishment and make members of the faculty feel that they have an active role in all aspects of the daily routine. The students will see adults modeling leadership and in turn, they will become leaders. Everyone in the school becomes a leader in their specialized area which will result in leadership throughout the school.

    1. Being labeled a leader generally will encourage a person to step up and make the most of that position. This motivation is often contagious and will spill over into other departments and to other people.

  15. How has empowering teachers and students changed the administrators’ day?
    Empowering teachers will allow the classrooms to run more effectively with less problems. This will also allow administration to focus more on managing and communicating with the community because interaction with the outside world can be very beneficial.

    1. I agree because that way the teachers run their classes and the administrators run the school.

  16. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    Being a leader requires a person to be responsible and accountable. A leader should also have a positive attitude. I believe placing the word leader in front a person's title would remind him/her of the bigger picture. People are always watching you, which way are you leading them?

  17. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    The 7 habits teach students to have ownership of their actions and reactions. If students (and teachers) are following the 7 habits, we take ownership of everything we do. We understand why we do the things we do and understand when we need to apologize or change our behavior. When following the 7 habits, we learn things happen because of our action or reaction and we can have a part in those happenings.

  18. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    By placing the word leader after every title would impact a person's image of themselves because now it brings a since of purpose to their job. With leader attached to your position, you now feel more responsible for your actions. If you feel as though that you are a leader, then you will strive to better yourself and your surroundings.

    1. Agreed. It would create ownership and give people a sense of responsibility.

  19. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    When students are following the 7 habits, they feel empowered and act as leaders. Discipline is not as much of an issue because students know what it is to be a leader and take responsibility for their actions.

  20. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    If we place "leader" after every title would impact a person's image of himself or herself by giving them more confidence. Their self esteem would increase, and they would feel more responsible for their actions. They would want to do better, and make a difference.

  21. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year?

    It is important for all staff to be trained because students encounter other adults during the day. They see our nurse, lunchroom staff, custodians, bookkeeper, and secretary throughout the day. If all staff is trained in the 7 Habits, they can continue to teach and be an example for students during the entire school day.

    1. Absolutely. Everyone has an influence on students. Successful implementation depends on having everyone on board and working toward the same goals.

  22. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    I feel that being proactive is the most important habit when dealing with discipline. Students should learn how to prevent problems. Many of our students do not know how to resolve conflict as soon as it arises. It is a lesson that may be hard to learn but vital for students to grasp. I believe that being able to recognize conflict and resolve it will prevent many discipline problems.

  23. Cassie Smith

    How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    Placing the word "leader" after every title can impact a person's image by giving them self-confidence and purpose. When someone is more confident, it will lead to them working harder and feeling reassured about what they have done. Also, they don't feel unimportant, but they have a purpose. This will lead to taking responsibility for their actions and striving to succeed.

  24. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    Each student would know how to be proactive. This independent will would have the student empowered to think and know positive ways to handle the situation. They would be thinking with the end in mind. By setting their own goals, being focused on learning, and interested in what they are doing the student will be putting first things first. (prioritize, plan, execute)
    Each student will be thinking win-win, and it is proven that people do better when they feel better.

    1. I agree, because I know that I do better when I feel better. For example, I was confused as to why the other math teachers got a smart board and I didn't. It was upsetting, but then, I just began to look at it as a positive thing. Maybe the admin didn't think I needed one. I stopped wondering what I had done wrong, why I didn't deserve one (or why someone thought I didn't), or why I was being left out, and just moved on. I have been more careful with people. I have been focusing on other positive things. It has made me feel better. If our students do this, the discipline will improve.

    2. I agree, Melissa. We need to teach children how to use coping strategies and conflict resolution opportunities to handle situations in an acceptable manner. If our students learn to handle things positively, they will be able to carry those skills into adulthood and the workplace. Positive thinking.

  25. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    It would be a huge impact. Students would take ownership in the success and failures. You can see it in the classroom daily. Once students know that they have a say in or are in charge of something they work very hard to make it successful.

  26. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year? As the book stated, our students value how every adult treats them. The office personnel are the first people that visitors or new students meet. The kids value everyone's opinion.

  27. How do the 7 habits deal with discipline issues?
    Encouraging students to be proactive and keep the end in sight helps students experience how to apply these habits in real life circumstances. "Being repeatedly referred to as leaders is by itself a powerful language for students (and adults) to hear and can have behavior-changing outcomes.

  28. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    Utilizing the 7 habits helps eliminate most of the discipline problems that arise. Most of the things I deal with on the high school level deal with a lack of communication among people. What I mean is that people start out with the best of intentions, but through miscommunication people have conflict which creates discipline issues. Students have issues with other students because of misunderstandings and perceived slights and students have issues with teachers because of miscommunication and misunderstanding of expectations. If everyone applied the seven habits discipline would go down considerably.

  29. How do the 7 Habits help with discipline issues?

    Oh wow....where should I begin. One habit would help with discipline issues. Changing the school culture is a must. These 7 habits would do that, as long as everyone was involved. I love the first one....."I'm in charge of me." I remind students of this all the time. We all do. When the school culture is changed by learning and living by these 7 habits, it will, in turn, decrease discipline problems. I mean, #2, "Begin with the End in Mind," will help alone. If students did this, they would choose a different behavior. Habit #5 will help tremendously. "Seek first to understand, then to be understood," would create such an overwhelming impact on our discipline issues because students would listen first, understand, then argue and disagree less. Right now, they don't want to understand why there are rules, they just want to do as they wish, even if a rule is broken. The 7 habits would certainly change what is seen, heard, and felt at this school. All of these things need to be improved. I know that I am guilty of not continuously working to empower students, because the discipline/ behavior of them get in the way. I try, but there are days that I just want to throw my hands up. I look forward to not feeling this way.

  30. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year?
    Each member of the staff team has an impact on the students. The bus drivers, the office staff, the janitorial staff, lunchroom workers, nurses, librarians, counselors, and afterschool workers all can impact the students whether positively or negatively. If all those that contact the students are trained in the 7 habits, the habits may be reinforced across all environments and therefore ingrained more universally.

  31. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year?
    All staff have the opportunities to make an impact on students, we all have opportunities to help our students deal with situations. It is imperative that all faculty work together to help our students succeed in life. We all can become positive role models and support systems for our students, if we work together for a common goal of student success.

  32. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year?

    I think it is important for everyone to be trained in the seven habits because everyone interacts with the students daily. The students all look up to someone different, and not necessarily a teacher. So if everyone is on board with the habits, the chances of helping our students increases.

  33. Why is it important that all staff, not just teachers, be trained in the 7 Habits the first year?

    Every individual, adults and youth, within a community helps define the culture of that community. Every adult that students come in contact with have the ability to support student success toward implementation of the 7 habits or hinder successful implementation. Change depends on transparency and a clear understanding by all who are impacted by the change.

  34. How would placing the title "leader" after everyone affect them?
    Well, I know as a teacher of little ones, anytime they are in charge of something, they own it! They love to be in charge or a class helper. So I do think by doing this year after year, in every grade, giving them some time of leadership role, could only benefit them.

    1. I totally agree, by giving little ones leadership roles in the classroom, it makes each one feel important. It also helps with behavior problems inside classroom.

  35. How will empowering the teachers and students help the administrator's day?
    It will make for a smoother day in my opinion. If teachers feel like they have the power to shape their students academically and behaviorally, they will feel like they can handle most situations on their own instead of going to an admin. If students feel a true connection with their teacher and feel like solutions and compromises can be reached between them and the teacher, I feel like they will build a stronger relationship and not feel like overtime something arises, that an admin is going to intervene.

  36. How would placing the word “leader” after every title impact a person’s image of himself or herself?

    By placing the word "leader" after every title, can totally impact a person's image of himself or herself. It allows that person to have pride and feel important about his or her task. It does not matter how big or small the task may be , by adding the word "leader", gives that person confidence.
