Chapter 10

Bringing It Home


  1. Dr. Covey recommends three tips to preparing children for the new reality. What are they?

    Three tips to preparing children for a new reality include helping students to lead their lives with confidence and independence, helping students to succeed at being interdependent (working well with others), and helping students to make meaningful contributions to their "workplaces", their homes, and their communities in a balanced manner.

  2. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    I would love to say that the parents from HHS would like to see an informational parent night. However, I am slightly jaded from past experiences. It is hard to get high school students invested in their education when they see that their own parents are not invested in their education. ACT Parent Night, PTA meetings, and other events have been held at HHS in the recent past. Parents simply do not show up. I think we must first emerge the 7 habits into the students' daily lives because we will need to student's to help model the process to the parents.

    1. I agree that in order for our parents to understand the benefits of the 7 habits, they first need to see them in action. Implementing this in the school first seems like the logical way to approach this. It is very sad but also very true that it is difficult to get parents to show up and the older the student, the less involved parents tend to be in school activities such as Parent Night, etc.

    2. Sad but true. I have only been here this year, but have seen this myself. We cannot seem to get the parents involved.

    3. It would be nice to see meetings like this happen to keep the parents better informed of what is happening in the school. I just know from past PTA meetings it is difficult to get parents engaged with the school.

    4. You all are right. I understand the frustration but maybe if they see us excited and motivated then maybe that will help increase their participation.

  3. The Leader in Me schools have a mission statement, the classrooms have a mission statement, and the students often have a Personal Mission Statement. How could we guide our students to help their families write a Family Mission Statement?

    One idea would be to send home a list of questions for parents to ask their child about life at home. This could even be done in increments – maybe send one question home each day for a week for the parents to discuss with their child. This wouldn’t have to be a written assignment – just questions or topics for the student and parents to discuss. Anything we can do to create an opportunity for parents to have discussions with their child about family and home life would help move a family closer to common goal regarding their home life.

    Another idea would be to have a brainstorming activity with your students to come up with some ideas about how to create a family mission statement. Allow the students to make suggestions for questions to ask other family members such as “what do you like about being home” or “what do we do at home that is fun or makes you happy?” Once you have your list, have the students answer the questions first and then have them take the list home and have a parent answer them as well. This would open a dialogue between family members and maybe help them figure out what they want their family to be

  4. Have your students teach a fundamental concept to their parents; you'd be surprised how well they remember things they have to learn and articulate themselves!

  5. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?
    I am like Leigh Ann. Sadly, based on past attemots, we have had very little parent turnout and what few parents do come, it's usually the ones with students pretty much ready to succeed. We have to close that gap. And I do believe it will take we as teachers taking the leap first and the larents seeking our success in the 7 habits to draw their interest.

  6. Do you think parents would be interested in an informational night?
    Right now, no. Our school/community does not have a high rate of participation. But being a new program, if implemented, I would think we could get many on board and then hopefully even more after they see the program working.

  7. What would be the best way to communicate these ideas to parents? What is the end in mind?
    First of all, like many of us said above, an informational night is a good idea, but we have seen very little success in the past. I believe that the best way to communicate is through the students themselves. They ARE the examples.
    I believe the end in mind is to see teachers, parents, students, and community all exhibiting the 7 habits.

    1. Yes! The students ARE the examples! I love this!

  8. What does Dr. Covey meany by the "cultural or social DNA is the great identity thief, not the person who steals and uses your credit card?"
    I believe this means that in today's society, with social media and peer pressure, that those are the things that have stolen our youth's identity- our young people have fallen prey to these outlets as being the thing that should shape who they are. They feel like they have to live up to the standards of a society they are not even truly a part of. FB, instagram, etc.. have stolen our kids away from us and they no longer feel like they can be who they really are.

  9. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    I do think the parents would want to have an informational parent night. Lots of parents at Highland are involved and want to be involved in the activities or programs that are going on.

  10. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    An informational parent night is a good idea but getting the parents of most students to buy in would be difficult. While being mainly a parent prior to being faculty I noticed that most times the PTA meeting were held that most parents do not show up. With having issues getting parents to show up for PTA meetings would make it that much harder I would think to have them show up for informational type meetings. In the long run they might pan out but until then I think it will be a struggle to make these meetings work.

  11. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    The ones that would already come to PTA. Unfortunately, the number of parents that come at the high school level are very small. I know parents have busy lives and many would probably say to themselves "not one more thing."

  12. Chapter 10: Dr. Covey recommends 3 tips to preparing children for the new reality. What are they?
    The shift of the seven habits should not be taught as “one more thing” added to the daily lesson, but as the “main thing”, Because it is a part of student’s chances of doing well in the things we are already doing. It is a mindset, integrated approach, relevant, less culture related problems and improves teacher effectiveness and efficiency. Adults must set forward and meet our young people in one-on -one ways at that critical time. Having the end in mind allows to effectively lead their lives, work well with others and make positive contributions in the world around them. Remember to live and work with the end in mind.

  13. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    I think those that are already involved in PTA and in their child's education would be involved in an information parent night. However, as many have already stated, that is an extremely low number. I'm unsure how we can make that change. Perhaps, simply getting the information out via email or mail would be better? I feel the best way is to get the students locked in and have the parents see a change. Once they see a change, I feel like they will be much more apt to be curious and in turn, get involved.

    1. Yes, I agree. Your suggestion for reaching out in other ways is a good one.

  14. The leader in me schools have a mission statement. How could we guide our students to help their own families write a family mission statement?

    We can lead by example. Students should play an active role in the process at school. The home assignment would be like the independent work at school. It should reinforce what they have already worked through at school.

    1. Leading by example is so important. Each day, I know that I fail at some point, but I do try. I feel that is true for us all.

  15. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    I do think parents would be interested, but as many others have stated, a PTA or parent meeting may not generate the participation needed. As others have suggested, reaching out to parents in other ways through email, phone calls, social media, etc. may be a better option for reaching more parents in addition to structured meetings to generate initial interest. Informational videos posted to YouTube or social media might also be helpful for generating initial parent interest as well. Bottom line, I do think parents would be interested. The challenge lies in how to best get the information to the parents in the beginning.

  16. What does Dr. Covey mean by "The cultural or social DNA is the greatest identity thief, not the person who steals and uses your credit card?"
    Because that's all the kids feel like they have to look up to or makes them feel good. Social media has taken over our kids and their true selves. They feel like they have to be another person and cannot be themselves or others will look down on them. It HAS taken away their identity. Peer pressure and social standards have definitely stolen our kids away.

  17. Dr. Covey recommends three tips to preparing children for the new reality. What are they?

    We need to enable them to 1) to effectively lead their lives, 2) to work well with others, 3) to make positive contributions in the world around them. These are all wonderful goals. I truly hope that this can be accomplished one day.I know that it can with some, but wouldn't it be wonderful if all could reach these expectations.

  18. Why is it not one more thing? Instead of being more to do, it is about doing what we already do but better. It is about being more effective.

  19. Do you think the parents would be interested in an informational parent night?

    I would like to be optimistic and say parents would be interested in an informational parent night, however, we would have to do something "extra" to draw them here. From past experiences, unless the children are performing or participating in something, the same few parents are the only ones to show up.
