Chapter 6

Rippling Across the Globe

Moving past A.B. Combs, this chapter highlights other elementary schools that have adopted The Leader in 

  1. Like A.B. Combs, English Estates Elementary School spends the majority of the first two weeks of school teaching students the 7 Habits and establishing goals and expectations for the year. As a teacher, how much time do you predict this would save each day? Each year? What could you do with the additional time?
  2. What does it say about the cultural of the school when, given bonus funds, the parents gave it to the teachers and the teachers shared it with the staff?
  3. The principal of English Estates was asked, “With all the pressure to perform academically, how did you dare choose to work first on changing the culture? She responded, “Because it felt like the right thing to do.” However, their academic scores improved. Why do you think that is?
  4. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?
  5. Why do you think so many children use the 7 Habits at home, as reported by their parents?
  6. Learning anything new takes additional energy, yet the teachers in the book continue to say that they were energized by the new initiative. How is that possible?
  7. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?
  8. Each of the schools mentioned in the book incorporates The Leader In Me in a way that is the best suited for their school. Why do you think Dr. Covey makes that point?


  1. Each of the school's mentioned in the book incorporate the leader in me in a way that is best suited for their school. Why do you think Dr. Convey makes that point?

    Throughout the book, The Leader In Me emphasizes the importance of setting goals and having the end in mind. I'm sure every school had to do some "soul searching" if you will and discuss the end result they wanted to achieve from The Leader In Me. Depending on each school and what they came up with as a whole, their goals may all be different. Some schools may have strategies that work for them while other languages have different strategies that work. They may have chose to be proactive on different pathways to reach those goals. In other words, no two schools are w a toy the same so making the program work for them will come in all shapes, forms, and sizes. I think Dr. Convey really wants to emphasize that point to let schools, parents, and students know, that The Leader in Me is some sort of personal journey that starts within each individual person and grows from their and there is no one set way to achieve the end result, there is no "you pass" or "you fail"! There is only constant progress that is always growing and evolving with your school as it grows and evolves. Each school becomes successful in their own way at their own pace. That's the beauty of his program!

    1. Yes, Brittany, each school will have to find its own way and set its own goals. There will be ups and downs while doing this. Each school should follow the habit of beginning with the end in mind. This process will be an ongoing one, not something that will happen overnight.

    2. No two people are alike so why should we expect two schools to be the same? So I totally agree that each school should determine their own based on their school climate and community. We have to set attainable goals for our school/community to achieve and make them feel like they can do anything they set their mind to.

    3. Totally agree! Every program has to be made to fit within your school climate.

    4. But I think the 7 Habits will easily be able to fit into our school. As with any program, there will have to be adjustments made, but I think it can be a success anywhere.

  2. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?

    A common language breeds understanding in a group. It simplifies things. At A.B. Combs common language means positive phrases, such as "We dwell in possibilities here," "We focus on what students can do, not what they can't do," "Every child is important," and "We tell students we love them every day." Common language comes consistently when they arrive at their classroom each day and has behavior changing outcomes, as students hear themselves repeatedly referred to as leaders. Common language is the primary tool of the Interior Designer educator -- one who inspires beauty inside students. In a world where fear and despair shout loud and often, students deserve to hear affirmations and hope on more that rare occasions -- hence the need for the latter to become "common language."

    1. I really liked what you said about students "deserving" to hear affirmations more often than not. Affirmations do not equate to being told that everything we do is perfect but rather affirming that we are all worthy and have something to contribute!

    2. If all teachers and students in a school used positive, uplifting language the entire mood could change. It is so important.

    3. I agree. We as adults prefer to be greeted with positivity rather than negativity. It sets the whole tone for the day.

    4. the belief that
      all individuals
      have the capacity to lead their own lives. This belief calls for a new paradigm that moves away from a hierarchical model in which titles and positions define leaders to a culture in which all individuals, staff
      including students, are given the
      opportunity to lead. In this new leadership paradigm, Stephen Covey calls for looking at leadership through the lens of choice, ― leadership is a choice, not a position‖ (FranklinCovey, p.29).

    5. Agreed! It is all in the attitude, positive attitude carries throughout the school day. Initial contact with coworkers and/or students could make or break the mood for the day.

    6. I agree as well. Like you said even we as adults like to hear positive things so we know the children would as well.

    7. Exactly! Matthew 7:12 Do to others what you want them to do to you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    We are all aware that what happens at home carries over into the classroom and vice versa. We have all had mornings that didn’t go as planned and we showed up at work frustrated and not in the best frame of mind. Imagine if each day were like this and how it would affect our attitude toward our jobs or others. Many of our students start their days off on a bad note and when they get to school, they are not exactly in a positive frame of mind. By training the parents, the schools are building a bridge between the home and school environments. If parents realize the benefits of the 7 habits and implement them at home, it would not only provide continuity and reinforce the habits but it would create a more positive environment at home. Having parents onboard and providing a stable environment for our students is obviously a win-win situation.

    1. I really like your response. The parents being the bridge between school and home is a great metaphor!

  5. Learning anything new takes additional energy, yet the teachers in the book continue to say that they were energized by the new initiative. How is that possible?

    When new initiatives are introduced to teachers, one of the first things we think about is how useful the initiative seems. It is true that new things take extra energy, but when teachers feel as if the initiative is not much more than a dog and pony show, then using the extra energy is extra tiresome. On the contrary, when an initiative is working and making a positive change, then the energy is worth it. We become so excited about the positive changes that we forget about the energy it takes to achieve it.

    1. I totally agree. It is very easy to give the extra effort when we see the positive effects.

    2. Agreed. Extra work can be energizing when you feel you are working towards a worthwhile goal rather, than, as Leigh put it, working on something that is basically a "dog and pony show" without any real benefits.

    3. I agree. Most teachers realize that if we want our students to grow, we must do so as well. Great teachers continue to learn every single day. We are suppose to evolve as well. Trying new things helps us to not get stuck in the same old routine that may or may not work for all.

  6. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?

    Having a common language promotes group wide clarity. If every aspect of a group, in this case a school, is speaking/teaching the same ideals, concepts, and vocabulary, there is no confusion about the vision of the school.

    1. I agree. Having a common language avoids confusion on the vision for the school.

    2. Yes, I agree!! Having everyone on the same page is always a great thing! It leaves no room for misunderstanding!

  7. 2. What does it say about the cultural of the school when, given bonus funds, the parents gave it to the teachers and the teachers shared it with the staff?
    I say that it shows the school and community are one and they realize that. The parents know without the teachers, their child will not succeed. The teachers realize that the entire staff can play a role in each child's life and how important that is. They realize that all their roles are intertwined and needed to ensure their child's successful future.

  8. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    The book discusses how what happens at home is important to schools for two reasons. The first is the impact home life has on school culture. Some students find refuge at home, while for others home is not a place of comfort. These attitudes and behaviors carry over into their school days. The second way is how home life impacts the effectiveness of staff members. By teaching parents the 7 habits, a partnership between school and home can be formed. By parents becoming a part of the program, not only are students transformed, but whole communities can be.

    1. This is very true, the book talks about how how events at school/home can effect how things happen in the opposite environment (home/school). By including parents in the 7 habits, it helps provides a common bond for everyone and helps tie things together both for the school and home setting.

    2. Great response! when everybody practices the habits, that is when they truly become effective.

  9. Many of the schools also include parents in their 7 habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    I think it would foster more parent involvement. Parents will understand what is being expected of their child at school. They can reinforce this at home. It gives the children and parents practice with the 7 habits just like homework reinforces the things that we teach in our subjects.

    1. I completely agree! If parents can reinforce the 7 habits at home, it will make it easier to implement in the school.

  10. Many of the schools also include parents in their 7 habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    I think that involving the parents would benefit the program greatly. Most of the time, the more parent involvement we have the more successful a program will be. If the parents are taught the 7 habits, they can reinforce at home, what we are teaching at school. Children watch their parents. They listen to what they are saying. If parents are teaching the 7 habits, students will be more likely to embrace the 7 habits.

  11. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    By offering the parents the same training, they become part of the change with student behavior. It provides a common language that helps to encourage students to become leaders and empower them to strive for a better outcome in school and life. At the same time it helps parents become more involved with activities the students are interested in during and after school. In a way by having parent involvement it ties the school, home and community together promoting a positive change for all. As stated in the book, you never know, it might also help to resolve some family problems between parent/child or even spouse/spouse.

    1. Good point! By giving the parents training, they can be apart of the student change/growth & not an obstacle.

  12. Learning anything new takes additional energy, yet the teachers in the book continue to say that they were energized by the new initiative. How is that possible?
    The positive changes create a newly found energy and incentive for the teachers to continue to put forth the effort. They see the difference it is making in the school environment and they are inspired to continue making efforts as they want to see the positive changes continue to grow.

    1. And the difference is carrying past the school environment into the community and future. Having this perspective and seeing the impacts in all areas of the school environment would be energizing.

  13. Benefits of Parent Habits Training
    Home can be a peaceful refugee away from school and work. Behaviors, knowledge and our mindsets are brought to school every day. Informing parents about the habits has many benefits. Use newsletters, websites, books or welcome packets to send out information to families. Invite parents to school for events. They spend more time at school participating as a benefit. You can host back to school nights, family nights and/or student lead conferences. We can invite parents to volunteer. For example, speak at career day, host a job fair and teach your students to lead real life projects. A benefit is that parents will involve other parents. When parents learn, they can teach this at home. Then they read with their children and they can challenge them. Parents began to work with their children creating a better environment. They may changes the walls to add colors, add their kid’s art and inspirational text to it.

  14. Why do you think so many children use the 7 Habits at home, as reported by their parents?

    Love, love, love this! Transfer of Learning: "When a school cannot change the income, education, or occupation of adults in the home, it can have a potential impact on the atmosphere in the home." That statement by Robert J. Marzano is so true. We all know that when we have a bad day at work, we tend to take it home, and most of the time, take it out on our families. It is said that you tend to take things out on those you love the most.I believe that. These children in our school will have such an impact on the families they go home to, that they will surely be as amazed as those in the book. Children usually go home and tell something about the day. Wouldn't it be wonderful for our students to go home a tell by doing! Learning the 7 Habits will not only benefit them in school, but it will carry over into each family. That, in turn, will bring those families to the school, encourage them to be positive on the weekly social media posts,inspire them to take a more active role in the school and the community. I realize that here at HHS we already do some of the things mentioned in the book, but we need to do more. If these students took the 7 Habits home with them, showed their parents what an impact it had, the parents would want to know more. What a wonderful thing to have so many parents volunteering, that you have to search for something for them to do!!! I think the students use the 7 Habits at home because they see what an impact it has made at their school. They want that at home too. They will strive to have that at home. The students will see the positive qualities in their teachers, administrators, staff, peers, bus drivers, etc., and they will notice how much they love school, then will want to go home to the same type of environment. Oh what a wonderful thing it will be!

  15. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    By training the parents in the 7 habits, students will have constant access to them. They will be practiced in all aspects of their lives and not just at school. In order for the 7 habits to be truly effective, the students need to see them modeled in everyday life.

    1. Yes I agree, it makes a difference in that student's life when his or her parent can also lead by example.

  16. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    I believe that by teaching parents the 7 habits the students will receive constant exposure to the 7 habits. Parents will also be more involved with their child's behavior.

  17. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    By offering the training to parents, it will ensure a better chance for success with this program. Having support from home is crucial with anything in school. Too often, parents remain misinformed and unconnected from their child's school activities, and this results in failure for the child. They need parental support in order to succeed and thrive in life.

  18. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    After the staff and students learn and grow with the 7 habits, the next logical step is to take it home. By training the parents on the 7 habits, it will give them the confidence to help reinforce what their student are learning in the classroom. This shows the student that this isn't just something we do during the school day, but applies to my whole life and my families life. Giving parents the tools, they will get more involved in their students academic and behavioral goals, thus helping the student reach their full potential.

    1. Spot on. Parents can help "make or break" the efforts to instill the 7 habits. Training parents ensures understanding and helps foster a greater home/school relationship.

    2. Totally agree! Parents can reinforce what the students are learning in school. It will have a greater impact on our school/parent involvement.

  19. What does it say about the cultural of the school when, given bonus funds, the parents gave it to the teachers and the teachers shared it with the staff?
    I feel like this shows a 100% investment in the school. I have been told, in the past, that if someone is invested in something financially, they will respect and attend to it more. By investing in the school, the parents are more fully committed to its success. The teachers making their funds available to others in their school, shows they aren't selfish and they are invested in the success of the entire school, not just their class.
    The financial sacrifices of the parents and teachers will better the school, not only in resources, but in spirit.

  20. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?

    If everyone works synergistically with these seven habits, I believe it will spill over into the community. It will make us a well-rounded school. Just as the parent mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 6--the criminal father in hiding. Just by observing his son and what his son had learned in school, the father learned responsibility, turned himself in, and accepted his responsibility. Because of his productive time in the community, he was able to avoid jail time in order to be a father. THAT is showing common language--doing something for the greater good!

    1. I agree Kasey! The 7 habits extend to parents and everybody. If we synergize as a staff we can make a difference in the community as well as the school!

  21. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?

    I believe having a common language throughout the school will help with clarity of our goals. I also believe it will be easier on the students to transition from one year to the next. There are many times when students advance to higher grade levels they have to adapt to their new culture, but we can make this easier on them with everybody being on the same page using "common language".

    1. I completely agree with the difference of grade levels for students. If we still have the same underlying goals and 'common language', we will have consistency and students will know what we expect.

  22. Why do you think so many children use the 7 Habits at home, as reported by their parents?

    I believe the 7 habits are essential in all aspects of life. The 7 habits are not just limited to the work place or learning environment. People are always learning and trying to improve their life. Parents have witnessed the successes that A.B. Combs has had by implementing the 7 habits and they want to extend that to home life. The 7 habits are a way of life that can be practiced 24/7 365.

  23. What impact does a “common language” have on a group? Why?

    Using common language has a great effect on a group. Everyone is working towards a common known goal and there is less confusion. Everyone knows the correct phrases to use which causes less assumptions. I think in education, there is so much change and if we have anything consistent for our students year to year, we will see growth.

  24. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    Education takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Learning occurs in and out of the classroom - the school, community, church, and home. Training parents can help ensure that there is consistency in what is being taught regarding behaviors influenced by the 7 habits.

  25. Yes, if parents know and can see the changes that it makes in their children at school, then they would be more aware and eager to share these same habits at home. It would certainly have a bigger impact on the children if the 7 habits are enforced in both places.

  26. Why do you think so many children use the 7 habits at home?
    I believe it is because it has been a success at school first. Teachers and students have stuck to the program and it worked so of course they want to carry that with them into their home.

  27. With pressure to perform academically, why focus on the culture first? even tho scores did improve.
    We all know that we have to first believe in ourselves. It all begins within us. The children have to know that with the right mindset they can do anything. When they firmly believe in themselves, it will naturally spill over into other areas of their lives.

  28. Why do you think so many children use the 7 habits at home as reported by their parents?
    Like some of you have mentioned as well, it carries over. I feel like if they start their day off on a positive note, and we have established routines and procedures that the students know have been successful and have made them FEEL empowered and successful, it is only natural for them to want to carry that home with them.

  29. Why do you think so many children use the 7 Habits at home, as reported by their parents?

    I think the children are feeling successful and they want it carry on with them at home. The children will believe in themselves, and it will carry on in all aspects of their lives.

  30. Learning anything new takes additional energy, yet the teachers in the book continue to say that they were energized by the new initiative. How is that possible?
    TEAM-Together Everyone Achieves More
    In this chapter it talks about a clear idea of your mission, set specific goals, identify the action steps and who will do what. It also talks about holding each other accountable. Great peace comes from having the teachers, students, and parents working together to help each child excel by using the 7 steps at school and at home.

  31. The principal of English Estates was asked, "With all the pressure to perform academically, how did you dare choose to work first on changing the culture?" She responded, "Because it felt like the right thing to do." However, their academic scores improved. Why do you think that is?
    Often, the students who are going to score high are going to score high regardless. It is the students that are somewhere in between and even the below level students that have the possibility of making the most of this opportunity. With them, if you teach them that they can do anything they set their mind to, give them the tools needed to succeed, and show them the way to create their own path, they will begin to take pride and ownership in their work. This will easily transition over into academics.

  32. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    I think that it is a great idea to include parents in the 7 Habits training at school. It's a great way for parents to interact with other parents, as well, become more involved in their child's education. Also, it is a great way for parents to learn accountability and responsibility and how to apply it to their lives.

  33. Many of the schools also included parents in their 7 Habits training. What might be the benefit of offering training to parents?

    It was a genius idea to include parents in the 7 Habits training because the foundation for most things start at home! If they do the same things at home that they do at school then that is more motivation for the student. It can also encourage the parents as well. Then the parents can pass it on to other will be a chain reaction.
